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Developmental Screenings and Evaluations
(3 months to 36 months)


Please expect 2-3, 60 minute visits as well as quarterly follow ups. 

What to Expect 

Intake Appointment

In Person or Telehealth

60 minutes

Medical Records Review

No patient or family presence needed

60 minutes

Structured Observation

In Person

 60 minutes

We discuss goals for screening and evaluation, along with your specific concerns about your child. Each evaluation at Mt. Tahoma Developmental Pediatrics is completed by the same provider who follows your child until they leave our care. At this visit, you will be asked to complete an Ages and Stages questionnaire for your child that we will discuss throughout the appointment.

Medical Provider completes a medical record review, covering prenatal history to the most recent well child visit.

We complete a full medical exam and a structured observation with you and your child. 

Final Report Review

In Person or Telehealth

 60 minutes

Our findings are reviewed along with recommendations for next steps. We will also provide you with a copy of the final report for your to share with your pediatrician or early intervention specialist if you wish. 

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